The Moto X Play was launched by the mobile manufacturing giant Motorola on the 2nd of September,2015. Initially before the phone's release, there was a huge speculation about this phone's pricing range, whether it would be in the price range on the G-series or the X-series. But surprisingly, the phone's basic variant was priced at 18,499 INR which was in-between the price ranges of the G and X series.
The phone was met with a huge welcome as the previous moto phone's namely the moto G (I gen), moto X (I gen), moto turbo, were a huge success. The main selling point of this phone was the amazing battery life and its industrial build quality. The main specs of the phone are the 3630 mAh battery, 21 MP rear camera coupled with a 5 MP selfie camera, a 5.5" full HD display, a 1 GB/ 2 GB RAM (depending on the variant), Pure Android OS experience and a water-repellent coating. The base model is priced at 18,499 INR and the top model is priced at 19,999 INR.
Two months ago, I bought the 19,999 INR variant via flipkart and I have to say, the phone lives up to my expectations. On the plus side the display is sharp and crisp with great viewing angles, the phone rarely lags, the phone heats up after an hour of continuous usage, but also cools down pretty quickly for a device with an enclosed battery. On the minus side the camera quality is not that great for a 21 MP camera. Personally for me, the major setback is the battery life, motorola advertised a 30hr mixed battery life whereas, I am only getting a 16 hr batter life on mixed usage (facebook, whatsapp, youtube, music, instagram, twitter, google newstand, cricbuzz and clash of clans). On the whole, the phone is a workhorse and lives up to its hype. And for a light price tag of 18,499 INR, I think its more than a fair deal.
The phone was met with a huge welcome as the previous moto phone's namely the moto G (I gen), moto X (I gen), moto turbo, were a huge success. The main selling point of this phone was the amazing battery life and its industrial build quality. The main specs of the phone are the 3630 mAh battery, 21 MP rear camera coupled with a 5 MP selfie camera, a 5.5" full HD display, a 1 GB/ 2 GB RAM (depending on the variant), Pure Android OS experience and a water-repellent coating. The base model is priced at 18,499 INR and the top model is priced at 19,999 INR.
Two months ago, I bought the 19,999 INR variant via flipkart and I have to say, the phone lives up to my expectations. On the plus side the display is sharp and crisp with great viewing angles, the phone rarely lags, the phone heats up after an hour of continuous usage, but also cools down pretty quickly for a device with an enclosed battery. On the minus side the camera quality is not that great for a 21 MP camera. Personally for me, the major setback is the battery life, motorola advertised a 30hr mixed battery life whereas, I am only getting a 16 hr batter life on mixed usage (facebook, whatsapp, youtube, music, instagram, twitter, google newstand, cricbuzz and clash of clans). On the whole, the phone is a workhorse and lives up to its hype. And for a light price tag of 18,499 INR, I think its more than a fair deal.
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